Category: Operation Whitecoat

  • Who Was Behind Operation Whitecoat?

    Who Was Behind Operation Whitecoat?

    Through these experiments, several vaccines that are still used today around the globe were created. Laboratory safety procedures also improved, including differential air pressure which is still employed today to stop pathogens from spreading in modern labs. Frank Damazo is a retired Frederick surgeon and member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church who has long represented…

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  • What Results Did Operation White Coat Generated

    What Results Did Operation White Coat Generated

    Operation White Coat, a lesser-known chapter in the history of medical and military collaboration, left an indelible mark on the fields of science, medicine, and conscientious objection during the Cold War era.  Conceived in the early 1950s as part of the U.S. Army’s biomedical research program at Fort Detrick, Maryland, Operation White Coat aimed to…

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  • Documentary Looks at Operation Whitecoat

    Documentary Looks at Operation Whitecoat

    In the annals of Cold War history, Operation Whitecoat stands as a distinctive and often overlooked chapter, representing the intersection of military initiatives, scientific research, and conscientious objection.  A documentary dedicated to examining Operation Whitecoat provides a lens through which audiences can delve into the motivations, experiences, and lasting impact of the conscientious objectors who…

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  • Why Was Operation Whitecoat Started?

    Why Was Operation Whitecoat Started?

    During the Cold War, 2,300 noncombatant conscientious objectors from Seventh-day Adventist Church offered themselves as human test subjects for Army medical experiments on vaccines and infectious pathogens. They provided their time freely. Whitecoat volunteers were exposed to pathogens such as Q fever, tularemia, Venezuelan encephalitis and hepatitis A in an exclusive spherical chamber called the…

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  • What Was Operation Whitecoat?

    What Was Operation Whitecoat?

    In 1954 at Fort Detrick, the Army conducted a top secret experiment called Operation Whitecoat to test volunteers with various infections such as Q fever, tularemia, yellow fever and Venezuelan equine encephalitis. Over 2,300 noncombatant conscientious objectors from the Seventh Day Adventist church volunteered for these experiments and were exposed to infectious pathogens as well…

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