Christmas Ornament Storage Ideas To Stay Organized

This elegant gold organizer protects 64 jewelry. Plastic is easy to clean after the holidays.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Protect your décor in this strong, padded case. The winterberry design is quite lovely.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Packing a home full of ornaments should be easy. This box holds 128 easily!

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

If you change themes every year, organize decorations by color. Plastic storage bags can be used if you don't have enough ornaments of each color for plastic bins. 

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Having several ornaments? This case can carry 240! Due to the bottom wheels, they stack nicely and can be simply moved.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Put your decorations away, but make the process decorative too. This beautiful fliptop box lets you organize and identify ornaments next year.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Deep pocket organizers are best for large, irregularly shaped decorations. The zip case features three removable trays that can accommodate 24 four-inch decorations.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

If you've used an egg crate mattress pad, you know how comfortable it is! You can reuse one by cutting and cushioning it. Genius!

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Tiny ornaments need as much attention as big ones! This combination of 16 plastic boxes and one large container will keep the small ornaments 

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Bubble wrap is ideal for storing delicate ornaments, but cutting and wrapping it is time-consuming. Make things easy with bubble wrap pouches. 

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner
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